Political Campaign Signs

Stickers Make Versatile Advertisements

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When it comes to advertising your business, it literally pays to maintain mobility. Sure, there are few things as effective as a well-placed sign or banner—however, there is one medium of advertising that is able to go where those mediums cannot: vinyl stickers.

Custom stickers are one of the most cost-effective means of promoting any business or cause. Simply place them on a vehicle in a well-chosen spot and you will have people all over town registering your brand in no time. Still not convinced? Read on to learn about some of the other advantages of vinyl stickers.

The Benefits Of Vinyl Stickers

When it comes to advertising and promotion, vinyl stickers have some clear benefits as opposed to other approaches. For one, vinyl stickers are much more durable than stickers constructed from paper. Additionally, they are resistant to tearing, fading, and degradation—properties which make them ideal for outdoor applications and public displays.

The benefits of vinyl stickers are directly correlated with the beneficial properties of the vinyl itself. These include:

  • Affordable and durable material
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Easily removable with no harmful residue
  • Moisture and humidity resistant
  • Available in matte
  • Vibrant images on a mobile platform

Potential Uses For Vinyl Stickers

The potential uses for vinyl stickers are virtually limitless. Whether you use them to advertise specific aspects of your product or as a warning label, vinyl stickers are a cost-effective means of conveying your message. This versatility is amplified by their inherent ability to be customized with specific lettering, colors, shapes, and messages that provide pertinent information to your target audience.

Using Vinyl Stickers For Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising is one of the most practical uses for vinyl stickers. With some clever placement and a little luck, vinyl stickers could open your business up to an entirely new customer base. This is especially advantageous if your stickers include your contact information such as an email address or phone number. Even if you opt not to include contact information, a colorful, eye-catching logo is sure to garner some attention and amplify your visibility. Pairing with a seasoned signage company like Super Cheap Signs is an excellent idea, as they have everything required to create quality vinyl stickers that are adherent to a variety of shapes and sizes. So if you have specific questions, do not hesitate to get in contact with a member of their team.

Vinyl Stickers Cheap To Produce In Large Quantities

When it comes to mass appeal, one of the most advantageous aspects of bumper stickers is their inexpensive cost when produced in large quantities. Thanks to advancements in technology, printing is now largely automated, which has substantially driven down costs across the board. So before you spend an arm and a leg on that gigantic billboard, ask yourself if that is really a better way to achieve brand recognition than having thousands of instances of your logo all over town.

Using Vinyl Stickers Means Easy Distribution

To put it succinctly, people love putting stickers on things. Whether for artistic or psychological reasons, something about affixing stickers to things is resolutely appealing. As far as advertising is concerned, stickers essentially automate the entire process. As a quick tour of any social media profile will demonstrate, people will not hesitate to show others what brands they associate themselves with. Vinyl stickers ensure that you are able to use this proclivity to your advantage.

Don’t Just Introduce Your Brand, Reinforce Its Identity

Any seasoned entrepreneur will tell you that building a reputable brand identity is no easy task. From finding the perfect logo to developing a comprehensive message and strategy, conveying the best aspects of your brand requires a lot of hard work and dedication. Fortunately, once you have successfully developed your brand, you can use vinyl stickers to drive your message home. No matter whether you give them away for free or sell them, you are conveying that your brand has value. In the long run, this will facilitate closer relations between your brand and your target audience. What’s more, you will get free advertising when any of these people affix the sticker to their vehicle and drive around.

When it comes to today’s advertising landscape, few things are more important than establishing a trusted brand identity. This is why it is so important to have customers sporting your logo. When their friends see that they trust your brand enough to put your logo on their vehicle, they are more likely to trust your company. Needless to say, this gives you a clear advantage when it comes to growing your business and expanding your customer base.

Never Underestimate The Power Of Word-Of-Mouth

With the rising popularity of social media, many people seem to think that successful marketing must take a decisively digital direction in order to maintain relevance. Fortunately, these people are wrong. Several recent studies have demonstrated that most of the world—over 85%, in fact—trust word-of-mouth recommendations from their friends and acquaintances. To this extent, most word-of-mouth conversations take place on-site and offline. Rather than appealing to one side or the other, stickers occupy the middle ground by encouraging people to discuss your brand both online and offline.

Stickers Are A Great Way To Reach People Who Do Not Like Advertising

Given the influx of advertising these past few decades, it is not surprising that most people are becoming resistant to traditional methods. Consequently, this has forced advertising and marketing professionals to adopt more connection centric approaches. In this regard, stickers are extremely effective thanks to their ability to be displayed without seeming like an outright advertisement. In this context, a sticker is mobilized more like an endorsement or recommendation than an advertisement.

Stickers Can Be Used For Inexpensive Branding

Although giving away stickers for free certainly comes with its own advantages, they can also be used to brand your products and related packaging or signage. Rather than solely relying on your audience to put your message out into the world, you can ensure that some of that ground is covered before your product even hits the shelves.

Use Stickers To Compound Your Marketing

While increasing your brand exposure is certainly something you should remain focused on, you can also use stickers to strengthen your marketing efforts. For one, stickers make great giveaway prizes. All the better if they contain pertinent information or some kind of message on the reverse side. Additionally, you should always be sending stickers if you operate by direct mail. That’s because stickers have been shown to increase the open rates of direct packages. Even better, stickers serve as a crucial linchpin in cooperative campaigns by keeping costs down and garnering more impressions.

Stickers Can Help You Develop Future Marketing Efforts

As you have likely learned from this article, a lot of time and effort should go into creating the perfect sticker design. The nature of this process affords ample time to develop a comprehensive understanding of your brand’s message and how to convey it. In turn, this knowledge will inform future marketing efforts, including future logo designs, business card ideas, website ideas and features, press releases, and more. So when you are engaging in this process, pay close attention to what you learn. Specifically, understand who you want to communicate with, how to find them, what their interests are and how you can appropriately address them, and how you can clearly and succinctly convey your message in the most effective but least intrusive way possible.

Can’t I Just Make Stickers Myself?

Many people have purchased expensive printing machines and attempted to make their own vinyl stickers only to find out that the process is much more arduous than it seems on the surface. Problems typically tend to arise when die-cutting, coloring, or applying adhesive, and can prove to be rather time-consuming in the event that anything goes wrong.  This is why many professionals opt to order their stickers from seasoned signage companies like Super Cheap Signs, who use powerful machines and software to produce a variety of custom images with expedient turnaround times.

The professionals at Super Cheap Signs understand that marketing is all about developing and maintaining relationships. It is about forming a symbiotic relationship with people who will ultimately benefit from your services and support you in the process. As far as these relationships are concerned, stickers signify trust and understanding. Consequently, equipping the right people with your stickers could potentially spread brand awareness much faster than any expensive advertising campaign, and lend your brand an air of authenticity in the process.

In addition to providing a comprehensive array of fonts, shapes, and colors, stickers from Super Cheap Signs can be completely customized using their convenient website. Beyond that, their impeccable team of seasoned professionals is ready to help with any questions or concerns you may have along the way. The process is so smooth you’ll wonder why you ever thought about doing it yourself in the first place.

Big Campaign Signs: A Big Winner Post-Election

Political Big Campaign Signs for 2018 Primaries
A row of political campaign signs greeting voters at a residential corner street for the 2018 primary elections.

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As the political campaigning season has come to an end, it seems the use for large campaign signs has dwindled down. Or has it? There are still other opportunities out there that we can grab by the horns and take full advantage of. We’re going to elaborate on those options and explain how big campaign signs can also make a big impression on your potential customers.


Let’s say you have a new restaurant or business that you want to get more attention for. With a sign the size of a big campaign sign, you’re surely going to grab some attention, but using them closer to the actual location has proven to be more effective than just in the neighborhood. On the other hand, these are also effective from great distances. A sign for your establishment, saying that its 10 miles away and which way to head, will make it a lot easier for future patrons to find their way to you. Plus, it sure beats getting a billboard! Not that there’s anything wrong with billboards, but corrugated plastic is more budget-friendly, costing hundreds to thousands less depending on your area.

Real Estate

Another use you can find for these signs is for real estate. Now there are other options that may have worked for you in the past, such as yard signs, but why not add to your arsenal by having a big real estate sign for you to show future clients where to buy on a plot of land? Maybe a new subdivision is in the works and you need to bring some attention to it. One of these can certainly do the trick but keep in mind that MDO plywood signs are usually used for this kind of thing. A big corrugated plastic sign is still very worthy when displayed correctly and is significantly cheaper.


You could be having an event special or a seasonal sale that you would like to advertise. Something like a firework stand or a Christmas tree farm. You can display some of these bad boys in likeness to the big business/restaurant signs but since you’re only going to have these signs up for a short period of time, your signs should last longer than your non-seasonal competitors.

Large Campaign Signs are made from a 4’ x 8’ or a 4’ x 4’ sheet of 4mm corrugated plastic and are digitally printed. That means that a large format, Inkjet or Laser printer will be used to print your signs. Think of how your desktop printer works, just on a much larger scale. They are printed with UV ink and are rated for 3 years of prolonged outdoor exposure. You can always display them indoors but because of their large stature, outside may be more fitting. Don’t forget that you’ll need posts that are sturdy to keep these big boys up, U-Channel Sign Posts are a great reliable solution.

Whatever the purpose of your promotional efforts, it’s a good idea to consider big campaign signs as a new, more creative approach to help with your promotional needs. We hope you find this information useful and that you can capitalize on some of these ideas. Who knows, you may even come up with your own use for these signs; the possibilities are endless.

Yard Signs: What They Are and What to Know

Yard signs fresh of the press!
Yard signs fresh of the press!

Why Yard Signs?

Signage has been around for quite some time, to put it modestly. More specifically, however, yard signs are being used as of more recent. Some would even say as early as the 60’s and 70’s, but why. Security alarm companies from that time wanted a new way to thwart burglars from entering a particular premises. What they started to do was put aluminum window signs on to real estate stakes and then introduced the combination to the customer’s yard. Since that time lawn signs have made their staple in advertising and don’t appear to be going anywhere but outside.

Corrugated plastic and a weather-proof ink are what most lawns signs are made of. Of course if you have some cardboard, a magic marker, a wood stake, and a sunny day then you can make a yard sign at your own leisure but that’s why we’re here. We can assist you with all of your sign needs. Our ads vary from real estate, campaign, special events, and much more. Have a custom design that you want to see on a piece of corrugated plastic? Then look no further because our design team is here to help. Or if you just wanted a blank piece of plastic to write your own message on then we can send you that too.

Get Your Yard Signs Noticed!

Now we have to get those signs to stand out and stand on their own. The most commonly used supports are wood stakes and/or H-wires. However, keep in mind our corrugated plastic yard sign material comes not only in 2 colors, but also 2 flute directions. The small spaces located on the bottom and top, or the sides of the plastic are called ‘Flutes’. If you want a sign with wood stakes then you’re going to want the flute direction to be perpendicular to the stake itself. With H-wires the flutes are going to be parallel. The 2 colors we offer are white and yellow, and come in a variety of sizes. Our standard is 18” x 24” but we also offer yard signs in the sizes of 12” x 18”, 9” x 24”, and our biggest of 24” x 32” that can be screen printed. Whether you need signs for your business or political campaign signs, here’s where you can get started!

How Effective Are Political Yard Signs, Really?

Political yard signs on a street corner in Austin, TX.
Political Yard Signs at Their Best!

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Are Political Yard Signs Effective?

    What if I said yes and no? Political yard signs have been around for a long time which brings people to ask how efficient they really are. Surprisingly enough, they are effective to the point where they can help a candidate by a little more than a percentage point. However, if you’re running for federal office then I wouldn’t count on it.

    A study performed by Columbia University – more specifically lead author Donald Green – told POLITCO that yard signs can add 1.7 percentage points on average. So yes, they help, but not as much as we have previously believed. According to the researchers, “It appears that signs typically have a modest effect on advertising candidates’ vote shares — an effect that is probably greater than zero but unlikely to be large enough to alter the outcome of a contest that would otherwise be decided by more than a few percentage points.”

    “We were surprised by these findings, because the conventional wisdom is that lawn signs don’t do much — they’re supposed to be a waste of money and time. Many campaign consultants think that signs ‘preach to the choir’ and not much else,” says Alex Coppock, a co-author in the study. At $3-$10 bucks a pop, it’s not hard to see why consultants would say or think this. That would also bring up more questions like; how many political yard signs can your candidate’s campaign afford? Who’s going to place and pick up your signs? It seems to bring more hassle than relief but there is a small light at the end of the tunnel.

Why campaign signs?

    “My guess is that part of the reason that the effect is small is because any campaign tactic — signs, ads, mailers, calls, etc. — only move people around at the margin. In many ways, it would be strange if the effect were bigger. Imagine a world in which the presence or absence of lawn signs could swing an election by 10 points.” Coppock later adds. If this were the case, many consultants would have their candidates’ campaign based around that tactic, along with a sizable budget to allocate those needs. That would leave too much uncovered ground, in many aspects, and make it too easy for someone to win, simply because they had an amazing campaign sign. Not only does that seem both, unfair and unfitting of a candidate, but also ridiculous. Thankfully, that’s not the situation.

    We can say that lawn campaign signage definitely won’t change any time soon, merely because there is still such a high demand for political yard signs. Also, we need to take into consideration the psychological effect that lawn signs can have on the opposing candidates. Seeing enough of your competition’s signs scattered amongst the community, that your trying to up-keep, can really deter a candidate’s enthusiasm and possibly shy them away from the idea of running completely. Plus, some supporters are going to feel comfort in having the person they support on the signs in their front yard. Either way, Political yard signs are a staple in campaigning and are going to remain so until a new, revolutionary tactic comes about. Until then, Super Cheap Signs will be here to answer the call.

Lawn Signs: Making an Impact

There are many different ways that you can promote your business. Marketing campaigns come in all shapes and sizes, no matter what you might need. One of the most affordable and effective marketing tools available is the use of lawn signs to advertise your business. There are a variety of sizes and designs to choose from, letting you determine exactly how you make an impact with your signs.

Lawn signs are a great way to promote a new business, inform people of specials and sales going on, and to get visibility for many other purposes. You are probably used to seeing these signs during election season. However, they have many more uses beyond that. It’s all about finding what they can do for you.

The most common yard signs are made of a hard, durable plastic that is able to withstand the elements. Of course, there are lighter bag-style signs that are stretched over wire sign holders to provide a more affordable or flexible style of advertising. It doesn’t matter which signs you choose to work with, because they just need to work for your specific needs. There is no point in spending money on something that won’t last, so make sure that you choose signs that will hold out over time.

When you’re just starting out, these signs can help you build your brand. People will see your signs and remember your business as the place to go when they need products or services that you offer. As time goes on, you can continue to benefit from yard signs. You can use them to promote new services or products, advertise deals and specials, and let people know what’s going on in your business.

You can place the signs in the yard of your business, at your home, at homes of people in the community, and even along busy roads and intersections to get people interested in your business. If you have an event going on, these signs will be helpful in promotion, as well. A newspaper ad is only seen by people who read the paper. However, if you put a lawn sign in a place that most people drive by regularly, you’ll get much more visibility.

Finding the best marketing campaigns and tools for your business is the goal here. If you want affordable marketing ideas that provide better success rates for less money, you should consider lawn signs. It doesn’t matter whether your business is big or small, or what type of marketing you are trying to accomplish. Whether you use the signs in a specific location or for a certain event, they will be effective in many different situations.

Tips for Effective Campaign Signs

Whether you’re running for mayor or class president a good campaign sign is always going to be a vital piece of your marketing strategy.

The first thing you need to remember when designing campaign signs is that most onlookers will fly by your sign and have only seconds to take it in, so keeping things simple is important. Using basic colors such as blue, red, black, or green is effective in capturing the attention of individuals passing by without overwhelming them. Think about how well the ‘Vote for Pedro’ signs worked; it doesn’t take glitter and ribbons to capture a voter’s attention.  Using standard colors like red and blue can also help clear up what side of the political spectrum you represent such as red for republican and blue for democrat.

Besides a good design the quality of your sign is also important to consider.  Good quality campaign signs are often made of corrugated plastic with a vinyl over lay for the design.  It’s spring time and you know that means frequent rain showers.   Corrugated plastic is able to withstand any punch Mother Nature can swing.

Another aspect to consider is the placement of your campaign signs. Running for any office means you want to be known and seen.  While you’re out shaking hands and kissing babies, your campaign signs should be doing their part too.  It’s wise to map out your voting area so you can strategically place your signs along possible voter’s routes.

Campaigning can be stressful but effectively marketing yourself with campaign signs can make all the difference, Super Cheap Signs knows campaign signs, so reach out for more information.