Sign Marketing 101

10 Marketing Tips: Yard Signs & Banners

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The importance of marketing with yard signs and banners

Stationary outdoor advertising normally includes the use of billboards, bus benches, yard signs, and banners.  On the other hand, mobile outdoor advertising includes the use of ad signs placed on buses, taxis, or even your own vehicle (i.e. car magnets or magnetic signs).  For the purposes of this post, we have chosen to focus on certain aspects of using cheap yard signs and banners based on their cost-effectiveness.  It is well known that yard signs and banners are not only the most economical venues, but they are also quite functional and practical.

Using yard signs and banners to promote your business

The following is a list of ten marketing tips for using cheap yard signs and banners to promote and increase your business:

1.    Always use a legible text that is clear, concise, and simple to read
2.    The larger more legible fonts work best – examples include Arial, Sans Serif, or Verdana
3.    Stick to a single idea or message when designing your cheap yard signs and banners – if the idea or message is too complex, it will not have a positive impact on those commuters who are trying to read it as they pass the yard sign or banner
4.    Make it short and sweet – in other words, keep the message brief but get your point across and include an image, a company or product logo, or both.
5.    Bold, bright colors work best – to an extent that is.  Granted, we realize that you do want your cheap yard signs and banners to attract attention.  However, if they are overly garish in appearance, the commuter won’t even try to read them
6.    Choose the image you plan to use very carefully – this is especially true if you are placing an image of your face on the yard sign or banner.  We recommend using no more than three visual elements and staying away from complex scenes or landscapes.
7.    Identify what or who the advertising pertains to – your name and location are paramount because your idea or message means nothing to the consumer if they don’t know who you are and where to find you.
8.    Keep the background of your cheap yard signs and banners as simple as possible – white backgrounds always work best as other colors used will stand out more effectively and attract more attention.
9.    Don’t overdo the amount of white background that you use – granted, you do want images and messages bordered by the white background.  However, if there is too much white, the yard sign or banner won’t be as appealing to the commuter passing them.
10.    Test your cheap yard signs or banners – have a family member or friend pass by your yard sign or banner and get their reaction.  Remember, that the commuter only has about 5-6 seconds when passing by to read your message, so use that as a criterion when testing their effectiveness.

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Five Marketing Cheat Codes That Will Help You Win at Small Business

I grew up with a mom who was adamant that I always follow the rules.  Never hit, always do your homework, never cheat… It was while playing CatchPhrase this weekend with some friends that I discovered cheating is OK.  Bear with me for a moment. If you don’t know CatchPhrase, it’s a hand held electronic game that shows a short phrase on it’s digital readout while the beep beep beep increases with speed while you try to get your friends to guess the phrase so you can pass it to the next person for their turn.  After playing this thing all weekend, my wife and I noticed the phrases starting to repeat themselves.  My wife and I suggested we should find a new category or game to play.  But our friends never stopped!  They kept right on going along playing the game and passing it along.  It was then I realized that they weren’t cheating (as my mom would have told me), they were just getting better because they had played the game enough to have seen all the phrases and they weren’t going to let the fact that they knew the answers get in the way of their enjoyment of winning.

So with my wonderfully competitive friends in mind, and the competitive space getting increasingly more threatening, this list can help you cut through the self imposed regulations you put on yourself that keep you from getting the success you deserve in your small business.

Set Easy Goals

Why bother with sky-high goals? Not saying you shouldn’t write down “Be a millionaire”, this is more about having something specific to shoot for like, “Sell Widgits”. Keeping it simple like this make sure that everything else you do is built around this primary purpose. It’s too easy to get distracted in today’s world with “value ads”, “it’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell it”, etc. Write this on the top of your to do list every day to remind you what your primary purpose is; it will keep you from getting off track.

Take short-cuts

My mom had me thinking it was better to take an “F” on my book report than to read the Cliff Notes.  I can understand that reading “Huck Finn” is a more than just book, but give me the gist of the story now and I’ll do the full read on my next vacation. I f there is a way to shave off time or money to get the job done, take advantage of it!

Get Help

It’s out there, and in more forms than you might think.  Sure, you could spend money on good consulting help – nothing wrong with bringing in an expert.  But I’m a people person.  I like surrounding myself with people that are smarter than me.  In addition, there are oodles of podcasts, RSS feeds, blogs, magazines, tweets, etc. that will give you  little bits of great information.  This kind of atmosphere keeps me learning, and keeps me humble enough to keep asking when I don’t know – or even when I think I do!


There are two main types of compromise.  First is the kind where my wife is involved, not what I’m talking about here.  The kind of compromise I’m talking about is the Information Compromise.  It’s nice when you can make a fully informed decision.  Nice but rare.  My operations guy is detail oriented to the nth degree which is great! But he’ll spend 15 minutes mining data to get 80% of what we need, and several hours trying to get that last 20%.  Making decisions with partial information is a compromise, and I say make the decision and move on to the next one.

Copy Somebody Else

Mom said not to copy others so I naturally thought that I had to come up with completely original ideas.  Wrong!  Some of the best ideas is taking some other idea and improving on it! Just make sure to add you own spin to it to keep your business unique.


Don’t take yourself too seriously.  Remember that creativity comes much easier when you’re not trying so hard.

Five Ways To Entice Clients Using Yard Signs

For all practical purposes, there is no more affordable and effective form of outdoor advertising than yard signs. Dollar for dollar, they are the most cost-effective way to drive foot traffic to your business or organization and generate sales. The key to having effective yard signs involves using creativity in the design of them. Be careful that you don’t overdo it though because you could detract from the impact that the sign will have on passersby. Additionally, an overly flashy sign can also be garish and detract from the looks of your business or home property.

Creativity leads to greater effectiveness when designing your yard signs. The following are five creative ways to bring in customers using yard signs:

You obviously want to put your name, address, and phone number on your yard sign. However, the creativity you use in the way you display those can make a difference in the amount of foot traffic that sign does or doesn’t generate. We recommend that you use large block 3-D lettering for the name of your business so it looks like your name is jumping off the face of the sign.

Add directional information that stands out and attracts attention. If you place signs away from your business to direct them to it, using a map that shows your location or employing direction arrows make the sign more creative and effective at attracting customers to your business. Placing a map on the sign means that you will have to use a larger sized sign so that people can see your map.

Put your company logo on your yard sign. This is what we call a “no-brainer” and is a creative way to make your yard sign more effective and bring you more customers. Your logo is the recognizer for those potential customers as it serves to identify you. The more people see your logo, the more market awareness is created.

Images and photos are creative ways to entice more customers to your place of business. It’s a psychological fact that placing a face with the name of a business or a particular product on the yard sign breeds trust for you and your business. Additionally, the use of an image, such as a photo of a product you are promoting on sale is another creative way to get potential customers to pay attention to you.

Use multiple signs in groups of three to five to send out your message. Remember the old Burma Shave or Stuckey’s signs you used to see when you were driving down the highway? That was creative genius in the finest sense of the terms where the use of road/yard signs was concerned. It should also serve as a good idea on how to be more creative with your yard signs. Use groups of three to five signs to get your message across either by having them all be identical or by spelling out a call to action.

Vector vs Bitmap


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In the realm of digital design, especially when crafting visually compelling signs with images or logos, the choice between vector and bitmap (or raster) graphics is crucial. These two foundational types of 2D graphics serve distinct purposes and are essential tools in a designer’s arsenal.

Bitmap (Raster) Graphics: Pixel-Perfect Detail

Bitmap graphics are digital images composed of a matrix of pixels, where each pixel holds data for its specific color. This pixel-based structure means bitmap images have a set resolution and lose clarity when scaled beyond their original size. Commonly encountered bitmap formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF, each with its own use-case scenarios, from web images to high-quality print documents.

  • Key Traits of Bitmap Images:
    • Pixel-based composition
    • Fixed resolution, making resizing a challenge without quality loss
    • Versatile in usage, but restricted to rectangular shapes
    • Limited transparency support, depending on the format

Bitmap images are ideal for detailed, complex imagery like photographs, where capturing nuance is key. However, their dependency on resolution and difficulty in resizing without quality degradation can be limiting in dynamic design scenarios.

Vector Graphics: Scalability Meets Precision

Vector graphics, in contrast, are not defined by pixels but by paths based on mathematical equations. These paths outline shapes, colors, and fills, making vectors infinitely scalable without any loss of quality. This resolution independence of vector graphics makes them perfect for logos and sign designs that need to maintain sharpness across various sizes and mediums.

  • Key Traits of Vector Images:
    • Comprised of scalable objects, allowing for flexibility in design
    • Resolution independent, ensuring clarity at any size
    • Ideal for bold, graphic illustrations, logos, and text
    • Supports transparent backgrounds for versatile overlay applications

Common vector formats include AI (Adobe Illustrator), SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), among others. These formats are favored for their adaptability and precision, especially in branding and marketing materials where visual impact is paramount.

Choosing Between Bitmap and Vector

The choice between bitmap and vector graphics depends on the project’s needs. Bitmaps are unbeatable for intricate, photo-realistic images, while vectors offer unmatched scalability and simplicity for graphic designs. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each can significantly impact the effectiveness of your visual communication.

For detailed guidance on file formats supported and how to best prepare your designs for production, exploring further resources or consulting with design professionals is recommended. Embracing the right graphic type not only ensures your designs are visually stunning but also optimizes your workflow for efficiency and impact.